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Module 1: Resolving Resistance as “I” and Personal Issues

Zenergy School of Life is happy to announce the formal BASIC training module for becoming a Family Constellations Facilitator. These modules can be done in any order, though it is recommended to first complete Module 1.

We would like you to design your own pace of learning and decide on your time of reaching the goal. The modules here can be done for personal growth as well.

It is not the sole intention that these modules are designed only for people looking at becoming Family Constellations Facilitators. Below is a detailed description of all the modules.

Module 1: Resolving Resistance as “I” and Personal Issues

Family Constellations Training

The first module is dedicated to resolving personal issues as well as the resistance and the blocks in life. One needs to be clear in their own space for deciding on their direction and purpose of life. The objective of this module is to empower the participant in their personal lives by resolving their own entanglements. This will help lighten your own burden, help you become empowered as a human being first and then as a facilitator in the course of the time.


As a trainer and facilitator, I feel that if we resolve our own issues in the beginning, it becomes easier for us to move forward with an open heart to help others on their journey.

The course content is as follows:

  • Understanding basic natural laws of life such as belongingness, priority of bonds and so on.
  • Looking at your own family system
  • Looking at your own resistances to live a fulfilling life
  • Understanding the influence of your own Family System in your life
  • Group exercises to let go off resistance
  • Group exercise to re-connect with the Family System and the SOUL
  • Bringing back the Balance of Giving and Receiving with Parents and ancestors
  • Looking at the Heavy fate in the system
  • Coming out of the entanglements you’re carrying personally and professionally
  • How to say “YES” to life
  • Becoming “ONE” with everything we have in life.

Personal Constellations will be done to understand the laws as well as to see how do we connect to the Knowing Field.

Requirements: Open mind and heart to learn

Number of days: 3

Price: 25,000/-